School Requirements of Players

All Freshman begin with academic eligibility for the Fall Season. For Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors, eligibility for sports participation is based on GPA from the previous semester. For the Winter season, eligibility for all grade levels is based on first quarter grades. To be cleared academically to tryout and participate on a team:                                       

  1. Student must have passed at least 5 courses last semester

  2. Be currently enrolled and passing at least 5 courses this semester

  3. Earned the following number of credits:
    -4.0 credits by start of 10th grade
    -9.5 credits by start of 11th grade
    -16 credits by start of 12th grade

  4. Earned the following minimum GPA last semester:
    - 2.0 GPA with no F's
    - 2.5 GPA with one F


Academic probation for two consecutive grading periods will make athlete ineligible until the next grading period (9 wks). 

Coaches’ Expectations of Players

While all players may be eligible to participate on a team for meeting the requirements on the left, their playing time may be affected if they are just sliding by with the bare minimums. Classroom effort, as well as attitude and perfomance, are expected to be exceptional! The CHS coaching staff expects the following of their players in the classroom:

  1. Student must have passed at least 5 courses last semester

  2. Be currently enrolled and passing all courses this semester

  3. Earned the following number of credits:
    -4.0 credits by start of 10th grade
    -9.5 credits by start of 11th grade
    -16 credits by start of 12th grade

  4. Earned the following minimum GPA last semester:
    - 2.5 GPA in all CORE classes (English, Math, Science) with no D’s or F's in any classes, whether they are core or elective


Ineligibility for two consecutive grading periods will result in suspension from the team. 

In addition, there are school attendance requirements!

  1. Players are expected to attend all classes on game days as well as non-game days. Each and every UNEXCUSED absence from a class, where a player failed to show up, or failed to remain in class, results in suspension for that same # of games.

  2. Players who are late to any class, or who leave class at any point without permission or for longer than allowed by school rules, will lose starting spots, and/or be sat for a half or entire game. If it becomes a recurring issue, longer term suspension may be appropriate.

  3. Players are expected to be at every practice, unless prior approval was granted for an absence.

  4. Players are expected to attend all games, unless prior approval was granted for an absence.

  5. After a player’s 3rd UNEXCUSED absence from school, they will be suspended indefinitely.

  6. After a player’s 3rd UNEXCUSED tardy, they will be suspended for a week.

Note: If a player had a valid reason for a tardy or absence, parents need to excuse that PRIOR to the end of the school day with the school, not with the coaches. The CHS coaching staff only goes by the attendance report printed out from the Athletic Office. Unless the school tells coaches something has been cleared up, they will not make exceptions.

Behavioral Requirements:

  1. Students are expected to treat every adult around them with respect. Coaches, teachers, staff, and administrators especially!

  2. Players are expected to be respectful towards all teammates and opposing players.

  3. Incidents deemed detrimental to the environment of the team, the other players, coaches, opponents, or school staff will result in disciplinary actions, including suspension or removal from the extra-curricular activity of playing basketball.

    1. Basketball is a privilege, not a right.