Cleveland Basketball Code of Conduct
(for Parents & Players)
Being a participant of Cleveland Basketball is a privilege, not a right. With this privilege, comes responsibilities of personal conduct. Our Coaching Staff is committed to providing athletes a safe place to develop as people, students, and teammates. This starts first and foremost, by being role models for the players. We cannot do this alone. We are going to extend accountability onto the parents and families to build a well-functioning program that encourages community involvement in creating positive experiences for our young people, regardless of circumstances.
Parents/guardians and families of athletes have an important role in our program as well. In order for them to have a continued connection or invitation to participate with our program, they are expected to be roles models too. Showing praise, offering reassurance, teaching good sportsmanship, and exhibiting positive behaviors while at Cleveland Basketball events or high school games & tournaments where Cleveland Basketball teams are playing is a must! We need everyone associated with our program to represent us well at all times and be great examples for the children to look up to - no exceptions!
Playing time concerns are always between a player and their head coach!
Please read the rules for parent & player involvement in Cleveland Basketball. Then, check “yes” during registration to acknowledge that you have read, understand, and agree to follow our Code of Conduct.
Thank you.
Code of Conduct - Parent/Guardians + Families
PARENT/GUARDIAN’S ROLE IN SHORT: “support your student-athlete through the ups and downs of a basketball season. Be a positive representative of the program and community. Allow players, coaches, and officials to engage in their roles without interference.”
WE HAVE CLOSED PRACTICES, TRYOUTS, CLINICS, ETC. Family members will only be permitted to sit in with approval from the head coach.
I will treat all volunteers, staff, players, coaches, referees, fans, and opponents with respect and dignity.
I will not verbally or physically abuse nor intimidate anyone associated with our program.
Verbally abusing an official, scorekeeper, or anyone associated with presenting the game is unacceptable behavior, and I will refrain from such behavior during Cleveland Basketball games as well as at tournaments that Cleveland Basketball will be participating in.
I will ensure that my player treats our volunteers, staff, other players, coaches, referees, fans, and opponents with respect and dignity, and recognize that they can be penalized for exhibiting behavior contrary to this.
I will ensure any friends or family members invited to activities, events, and games behave according to our Code of Conduct, and agree that any incidents they are involved in should be viewed as an extension of myself.
I will refrain from coaching my child during a game, and leave that responsibility to their designated coach. I will wait to interact with my athlete until after the game.
I understand that coaches have been directed to give minutes based on what has been earned in practice, and that while our goal is to give each player meaningful minutes, that will not always be possible in the heat of competition.
I will not try to demand that a coach plays my child/player more.
I understand that inappropriate topics to discuss with my player and their coaches include: playing time, game strategy/play calling, other athletes on the team.
I will encourage my player to initiate conversations with the coach themselves when they have questions about playing time or things to improve on.
I will demonstrate civility, model good sportsmanship at games, and encourage my child to do the same.
I will be courteous to all Cleveland Basketball volunteers and staff, and encourage my child to do the same.
I will use social media in a way that is respectful of Cleveland Basketball, the staff, the coaches, & other players.
I will encourage my child to engage in behaviors and language that will help with team camaraderie at all times.
I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all Cleveland Basketball-related practices & games.
I will applaud the efforts of my child/player, and praise them for competing fairly & working hard, no matter what.
I will applaud the efforts of other players within Cleveland Basketball, & praise them as well.
I understand that the game of basketball is a team sport, and the team success will always be placed above any specific individual, including my student-athlete.
I will make an effort to understand, appreciate, and respect the rules of the game.
I understand that my player also has an obligation to uphold certain standards set forth by the coaching staff & I will reinforce these standards, whether they are related to school (grades & attendance), sports, health (eating & sleep habits, stretching, etc.) and behavior (body language, verbal language, treatment of others, etc.)
I agree that violation of anything within this Code of Conduct will subject me, my child/player, and my friends and family to potential penalty, up to and including removal from the program entirely.
Code of Conduct - Players
PLAYER’S ROLE IN SHORT: “showing up with a positive attitude everyday, ready to put forward maximum effort and focus towards improving. Be coachable, and strive to be a good person, student, and teammate. Be a positive representative of the program and community.”
I will show up to all practices, games, events, and all other basketball associated activities on time (15 minutes early), unless otherwise approved of by my coach.
I will strive to be on time and present at all of my classes in school, unless otherwise excused.
If I have an unexcused absence from a practice I will not play in the first half of the next game.
I will leave my phone and personal items away during all practices unless otherwise discussed with my coach.
I will never talk back or respond with “I Know” to any coach.
If I am unclear on a concept, I will ask my coach for help.
If I am confused about or upset with my role on the team, I will advocate for myself with my coach and be open to the suggestions that they make.
I will maintain a good academic standing in school.
I will stay out of major disciplinary trouble within the school system throughout the course of the academic year - not just the basketball season.
I will always be supportive of my teammates, who a now a part of my basketball family.
I will always be respectful of our team, our coaches, the opposing team and coaches, the refs and the spectators and will always remember that I represent Cleveland as a whole.
I will avoid swearing during all basketball-related activities.