Youth Parent Code of Conduct
(for all youth teams)
Being a participant of Cleveland Basketball is a privilege, not a right. With this privilege, comes responsibilities of personal conduct. Our Coaching Staff is committed to providing kids a safe place to develop friendships, learn life lessons, and grow as athletes & teammates. This starts first and foremost, by being role models for the kids. We cannot do this alone. We are going to extend our accountability onto the parents and families to build a well-functioning program that encourages community involvement in creating positive experiences for children, no matter the final score, and no matter the minutes played.
Parents need to recognize that in order for them to have a continued connection with our program, they are expected to be roles models too. Showing praise, offering reassurance, teaching good sportsmanship, and exhibiting positive behaviors while at Cleveland Basketball events or youth games & tournaments where Cleveland Basketball teams are playing is a must! We need everyone associated with our program to represent us well at all times and be great examples for the children to look up to; no exceptions!
There are also specific rules that parents must adhere to, involving their kids, the volunteers, staff, coaches, referees, opposing teams, and family members & friends. The Cleveland Basketball staff is giving authority to coaches, referees, and other parents to communicate with us about any actions deemed detrimental to respect for the game, and to those who work for, and/or participate in and around our program. Communications of this nature should be sent directly to Cleveland Basketball by using the feedback portal:
Any parent who is believed to be guilty of improper conduct or behavior that is in violation of the rules set forth by Cleveland Basketball, whether it’s through communications, or at a practice, games, or activity may be asked to refrain from contact, leave the facility (ejection by refs or request from Coaches), or may be suspended from the following practice, game, or activity by us. Repeat violations can result in multiple suspensions, or season forfeiture of the privilege of attending any and all Cleveland Basketball-related events. Cleveland Basketball also reserves the right to remove families, parents and children both, from the program indefinitely or refuse service in the future. Incidents brought to our attention through the proper channels, will be discussed amongst the staff, but final decision on suspensions, season forfeitures, or program removal will ultimately be at the discretion of the Board.
Issues that parents have with coaches also need to go through the proper channels. The CHS Coaching Staff are NOT in charge of coaches with Cleveland Basketball. They serve as consultants to help our staff with training opportunities, advice, ideas, & questions only. They also are hired to coach some of our youth & high school teams themselves. This means that parents who have concerns about the behavior and conduct of the coaching staff at practices and games, whether it’s towards volunteers, staff, players, referees, opposing teams, or family members or friends, should also send such communications directly through the link above.
Playing time concerns are never to be brought to our staff. Minutes played are the sole discretion of the Coach and are inappropriate matters to discuss, especially at the competitive level!
Please read the rules for parent involvement in Cleveland Basketball. Any time that you or your children are signing up to be involved with Cleveland Basketball, you are acknowledging that you have read, understand, and agree to follow our Code of Conduct.
Thank you.
Code of Conduct- Rules
“I hereby pledge to provide positive support and encouragement for my child/player participating with Cleveland Basketball at any and all practices, games, tournaments, activities, or events by following the rules set forth by Cleveland Basketball. These rules are as follows…
I will treat all volunteers, staff, players, coaches, referees, fans, and opponents with respect and dignity.
I will not verbally or physically abuse nor intimidate anyone associated with our program.
Verbally abusing an official, scorekeeper, or anyone associated with presenting the game is unacceptable behavior, and I will refrain from such behavior during Cleveland Basketball games as well as at tournaments that Cleveland Basketball will be participating in.
I will ensure that my player treats our volunteers, staff, other players, coaches, referees, fans, and opponents with respect and dignity, and recognize that they can be penalized for exhibiting behavior contrary to this.
I understand that penalties for my child/player exhibiting conduct unsuitable for our program include, but aren’t limited to: being given a technical, or ejected from the game by referees, substitution out of play by the coach, suspension for a game or multiple games, or removal from the program entirely- all without refund of money I paid for my child/player to participate.
I will ensure any friends or family members invited to activities, events, and games behave according to our Code of Conduct, and agree that any incidents they are involved in should be viewed as an extension of myself.
Unless I have volunteered to coach my child’s team, I will refrain from coaching my child during a game, and leave that responsibility to their designated coach.
I understand that even if I have volunteered to coach a team that my child may be on, I will refrain from coaching another child (or children) of mine on a different team, and leave that responsibility to their designated coach.
I understand that coaches decide on how much playing time a player will receive, and that while our goal is to give each player meaningful minutes, that may not always be possible in the heat of competition.
I will not try to demand that a coach plays my child/player more.
If I have concerns or complaints about the conduct of volunteers, staff, coaches or other parents, I will follow the proper channels when bringing them forth.
I understand that bringing forth a concern or complaint does not always merit a response or follow up.
I understand that my role as parent, is to be a parent and provide love, support, & encouragement to my child/player; the role of a referee is to be the officiator and call the games; and the role of a coach is to do the coaching; and I will not blur the lines of my own role with the roles of others while I am connected to the program or while at any sporting event in which Cleveland Basketball participates.
I will demonstrate civility, model good sportsmanship at games, and encourage my child to do the same.
I will be courteous to all Cleveland Basketball volunteers and staff, and encourage my child to do the same.
I will use social media in a way that is respectful of Cleveland Basketball, the staff, the coaches, & other players.
I will not force my child to play if they do not want to.
I will not encourage my child to engage in any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well-being of anyone else in the program.
I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of my child/player and the other athletes in the program.
I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all Cleveland Basketball-related practices & games.
I will applaud the efforts of my child/player, and praise them for competing fairly & working hard, no matter what.
I will applaud the efforts of other players within Cleveland Basketball, & praise them as well.
I will make an effort to understand, appreciate, and respect the rules of the game.
I understand that this is YOUTH basketball; not high school, not college, and not the NBA.
I understand the importance of making youth sports “fun”.
I agree that violation of anything within this Code of Conduct will subject me, my child/player, and my friends and family to potential penalty, up to and including removal from the program entirely.”