Player Code of Conduct
“I hereby pledge to bring a positive attitude to my sports experience with Cleveland Basketball, by following the rules set forth by the coaching staff. These rules are as follows…
I will treat everyone, such as- volunteers, staff, coaches, parents, teammates, referees, spectators, and opponents with respect and dignity.
I will demonstrate good sportsmanship towards all of the athletes around me, at every practice and at every game.
I will use social media in a way that is positive with anyone involved with Cleveland Basketball.
I will put the team goals first, and my individual goals second.
I will always work as hard as I can, listen to my coach, and make an effort to improve my skills to help the betterment of the team.
I realize that playing time is not always going to be equal with other players, and if I am playing less & feeling discouraged, I will make an effort to be positive, and I will ask my coach about things I can work on to earn more minutes.
I will try to work on things taught &/or suggested to me, while at practice, in my free time, & in games.
I will come to all of the practices and games I’m able to come to, and I will communicate with my coach of any prior commitments that conflict with those things.
I will communicate with my coach if I will be running late, or I cannot make it to a practice or a game.
I will make an effort to make friends and learn the names of my teammates, especially if I am ever on a new team with unfamiliar faces.
I will always play by the rules, and do my best to play in a way that protects the safety of my teammates and the opponents on the court.
I will NOT fight or use foul or abusive language while representing Cleveland Basketball.
I will NOT argue with referees, and I will make an effort to ask them for clarification about calls, or to watch for things that bother me on court, in a courteous and respectful manner.
I will notify my parents and coaches of any injuries I have sustained outside of Cleveland Basketball, PRIOR TO participating at practice or in a game.
I will notify my parents and coaches of any injuries I sustain while participating at practice or in a game with Cleveland Basketball.
I will always be honest and fair while participating in activities and events.
I will play basketball because I want to, not because others want me to.
I will acknowledge all good play; that of my teammates during practices and games; & that of my opponents, post-game.
I will always line up to high-five opponents, no matter the outcome of the game or the minutes I played.
I will show respect to the referees by thanking them after the game, even if they made calls that were not always in my favor.
I know that having fun and helping my team to have fun is very important, and I will do my best to be positive at all times for myself and for them.
I understand that if I do not follow the rules in this Code of Conduct, referees may give me a technical while playing, I could be ejected, my coach could substitute me out of the game, or I could be suspended or removed the Cleveland Basketball program entirely.”